Using the Lookup Tables CLI For Laserfiche Cloud


LookupTables command line utility is an executable available for Windows and Linux with the following capabilities:

  • Listing Lookup Tables names.
  • Querying a Lookup Table and optionally saving the result in a CSV or JSON file.
  • Replacing all the rows in a Lookup Table with the ones from a CSV or XLSX file. See Lookup Tables documentation for more information.

Project link in GitHub.

Lookup Tables CLI Download And Installation

Enabling CLI access to Lookup Tables

Lookup Tables are configured in Laserfiche Cloud -> Process Automation -> Data Management -> Lookup Tables and belong to either Global or a specific Process Automation Project which defines the security scope. You can read more about Projects in Process Automation here.

Note: Lookup Tables CLI uses the OData Table API which requires security scopes e.g. project/Global or project/YourProjectName and table access permission scopes such as table.Read and table.Write to be configured in a Service App in the Developer Console.

1. Obtain a Service Principal Account to configure your Service App

  • In Account Administration, select an existing Service Principal account or create a new one. The service principal must have the Process Automation Administrator role in order to access resources in the Global scope. Service Principal may require additional roles to access resources within specific projects. See the Table API security overview.
  • Generate a Service Principal key for the account (record the key string, you’ll need it later).

Note: The Service Principal must have Process Automation Administrator role in order to access global resources.

2. Create a Service App in the Developer Console to enable access from Lookup Tables CLI tool

3. Configure the App security settings and generate the Access Key

  • In the App configuration page, select the Service Principal configured in step 1.
  • Determine what process automation scopes you will need by reviewing the Table API security overview. Configure OAuth Scopes for the Service App in the Authentication tab.

Note: Select at least one project in Project Scopes.

Set scopes in developer console

4. Generate App Access Key

  • Create Access Key for the Service App: Select ‘Access Key’ and download as ‘base-64 string’

    Create key in developer console

  • Store the ‘Service Principal key’ and the ‘base-64 Access Key’ securely. These strings represent the credentials required by the Lookup Tables CLI tool. See Usage examples.

Passing credentials to CLI tool

  • Option 1: Pass the ‘Service Principal key’ and the ‘base-64 Access Key’ as command line parameters.
  • Option 2: Store credentials in a file named .env and place it in the same folder as LookupTables executable. File format:

     SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_KEY="<Service Principal Key created from step 1>"
     ACCESS_KEY="<base-64 Access Key string created from step 2>"

Note: The .env file contains secrets. Keep in a secure location.

Lookup Tables CLI Usage Examples

Show help and usage information


.\LookupTables.exe -?


./LookupTables -?

List all the lookup tables in the Global context

.\LookupTables.exe list-lookup-tables  --project-scope "project/Global"  --service-principal-key "<ENTER Service Principal Key>" --access-key-base64string "<ENTER base-64 Access Key string>"