Overview of the Laserfiche API

The Laserfiche API is a set of RESTful web APIs that allows you interact with Laserfiche Cloud services. This guide will provide an overview of how we’ve adapted Laserfiche services, resources, and concepts into the REST standard.

Cloud vs Self-Hosted

We provide a REST API for Laserfiche Cloud and Self-Hosted systems. More information on how to download and install the Laserfiche API Server for your self-hosted system can be found here.

API Requests

All Laserfiche API request URLs can be broken down in the following parts:

{HTTP method} https://{host}/{API set}/{version}/{resource}?{query parameters}

  • {HTTP method} — The HTTP method used for the request
  • {host} — The host name of the Laserfiche Cloud API api.laserfiche.com, api.laserfiche.ca, api.eu.laserfiche.com, etc.
  • {API set} — The API set
  • {version} — The API version to use (for Repository API only)
  • {resource} — The path to the Laserfiche resource that you’re referencing
  • {query parameters} — Optional OData query options or REST method parameters that customize the response

HTTP Method

The HTTP method is also known as an HTTP verb.

Method Description Idempotent Semantic
GET Read data from the specified resource X Read, Search
POST Create a new resource, or perform an action   Create, Perform action
PATCH Update a resource with new values Update
PUT Replace a resource with a new one Replace
DELETE Remove a resource X Delete
  • GET and DELETE calls will not contain an HTTP request body
  • POST, PATCH, and PUT may require an HTTP request body, typically in JSON format.


API sets are used to help organize the Laserfiche API and often correspond to distinct sub-services or applications in the Laserfiche suite. API set names are lowercase, follow the rules for DNS labels, and are usually singular nouns. Currently the Laserfiche API supports two API sets:

  • The repository API set allows you to interact with the Laserfiche Cloud repository.
  • The table API set allows you to interact with Laserfiche lookup tables using OData protocol version 4.


Every API for a service has an API version. The version component is of the form v{version}-{alpha|beta}{revision}. The {revision} portion is optional and may only appear if the alpha or beta suffixes are used. Examples:

  • v1 Version 1, stable API, no incompatible changes.
  • v1-beta Version 1 beta, not a stable API, but expect only minor changes, typically kept for two releases.

The API versions of each service are independent of each other, and so a single client may be invoking v1 of the API for the account service, but the v2 and v3 API for the repository service, for example. A service does not necessarily have a stable API version. The interpretation of “alpha” and “beta” in the API shall follow the rules listed above and is separate from non-technical marketing language concerning related features or releases.

There is currently only one version of the Table API and a version is not currently specified in the request.

Stable API Versions

A stable API is one that will not change in a potentially incompatible way, either in how requests are processed, or in the format of responses that are returned for an API call. Laserfiche will commit to supporting at least the latest and previous stable versions of an API, or all the versions released in the last year, whichever is greater. The revision suffix is only used with the alpha and beta tags, and denotes a revision number (minor version). Its use is optional but recommended, especially for beta versions.

Alpha API Versions

The alpha tag indicates that the API is undergoing heavy development and will probably be retired as soon as the next version of the API is released. APIs marked as alpha may:

  • Be removed with or without notice
  • Have odd quirks or use experimental patterns that deviate from standard practice

Beta API Versions

The beta tag indicates that the API is undergoing only minor revision and will generally be kept around for another revision so that users do not need to migrate immediately to the next stable API. APIs marked as beta are:

  • May be subject to minor changes that would not break most applications, but prior warning is provided
  • Possibly not well-documented
  • Kept around until after the next stable version is published


Resources in Laserfiche Cloud are represented in the URL of the API call. The naming convention for Laserfiche-defined resources are upper case, plural nouns that are typically followed by a unique identifier. Multiple resources are strung together to show the hierarchical relationship between them. For example:

Repository API: GET https://api.laserfiche.com/repository/v1/Repositories/r-abc123/Entries/888

After the v1 version, the resource can be interpreted as “in the repository resource with id r-abc123, the entry resource with id 888.”

For the Table API, the resources are user-defined. For example:

Table API: GET https://api.laserfiche.com/odata4/table/MyTable('{1}')

After the table segment, the resource can be interpreted as “in the MyTable resource with row key 1.” MyTable is the name of a Laserfiche lookup table.

Query Parameters

Query parameters attached to the end of a request can alter the behavior of the API calls. Some calls support standard OData query parameters, and some API calls may have additional custom query parameters specific to the call. To learn more about specific OData query parameters, see this example on retrieving an entry listing from a folder.

API Responses

After issuing a request to Laserfiche API endpoint, the response will include:

  • HTTP response status code
  • Response body

HTTP Response Status Code

The code will indicate the outcome of the request.

Response Body

The body of the response will typically be in JSON or XML format. It will contain the requested data of the resource or the result of the request.


In some cases, a response body can return a large amount of data that would be inconvenient to try and return in a single response. In these cases, an OData NextLink is generated at the end of the request of body. This link can be used to request the next set of results from the original request.

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