


jsonParseReviver: undefined | ((key: string, value: any) => any) = undefined


    • Copy a new child entry in the designated folder.
    • Provide the parent folder ID, and based on the request body, copy a child entry of the designated folder.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          culture?: null | string;
          entryId: number;
          repositoryId: string;
          request: CopyEntryRequest;
      • Optionalculture?: null | string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used. The value should be a standard language tag.

      • entryId: number

        The folder ID that the entry will be created in.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • request: CopyEntryRequest

        The request body.

    Returns Promise<Entry>

    The copied entry.

    • Create a new child entry in the designated folder.
    • Provide the parent folder ID, and based on the request body, create a folder/shortcut as a child entry of the designated folder.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          culture?: null | string;
          entryId: number;
          repositoryId: string;
          request: CreateEntryRequest;
      • Optionalculture?: null | string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used. The value should be a standard language tag.

      • entryId: number

        The folder ID that the entry will be created in.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • request: CreateEntryRequest

        The request body.

    Returns Promise<Entry>

    The created entry.

    • Requests Upload URLs to upload a large file in chunks.
    • Returns an UploadId and an array of URLs to which the file chunks should be written in the same order.
    • To request a new batch of Upload URLs for the same file, set the value of UploadId to the one returned when the first batch of Upload URLs was requested. For requesting the first batch of Upload URLs, leave UploadId empty or null.
    • Example: if a file is going to be uploaded in 10 chunks, the 10 Upload URLs can be retrieved by two successive calls to this api, each call requesting 5 Upload URLs. For this, the first call should have StartingPartNumber=1 and NumberOfParts=5, and the second call should have StartingPartNumber=6 and NumberOfParts=5, along with UploadId returned in the first call.
    • Each Upload URL expires after 15 minutes.
    • Each file chunk written to an Upload URL should be at least 5 MB and at most 5 GB. There is no minimum size limit for the last chunk.
    • The value of NumberOfParts must be in the range [1, 100], meaning that in each call to this api, a maximum of 100 Upload URLs can be requested.
    • The total number of Upload URLs for a single file is 1000, which means (StartingPartNumber + NumberOfParts) should be less than or equal to 1001.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    Returns Promise<CreateMultipartUploadUrlsResponse>

    A response containing an upload id and an array of upload URLs.

    • Delete the pages associated with the provided entry ID. If no pageRange is specified, all pages will be deleted.
    • Optional parameter: pageRange (default empty). The value should be a comma-separated string which contains non-overlapping single values, or page ranges. Ex: "1,2,3", "1-3,5", "2-7,10-12."
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          entryId: number;
          pageRange?: null | string;
          repositoryId: string;
      • entryId: number

        The requested document ID.

      • OptionalpageRange?: null | string

        (optional) The pages to be deleted.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

    Returns Promise<Entry>

    The updated entry.

    • Export an entry.
    • The export may time out if it takes longer than 60 seconds. This value is subject to change at anytime. Use the long operation asynchronous export if you run into this restriction.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Read


    • args: {
          entryId: number;
          pageRange?: null | string;
          repositoryId: string;
          request: ExportEntryRequest;
      • entryId: number

        The ID of entry to export.

      • OptionalpageRange?: null | string

        (optional) A comma-separated range of pages to include. Ex: 1,3,4 or 1-3,5-7,9. This value is ignored when exporting as Edoc.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • request: ExportEntryRequest

        The request body.

    Returns Promise<ExportEntryResponse>

    A link to download the exported entry.

    • Returns a single entry object.
    • Provide an entry ID, and get the entry associated with that ID. Useful when detailed information about the entry is required, such as metadata, path information, etc.
    • If the entry is a subtype (Folder, Document, or Shortcut), the entry will automatically be converted to include those model-specific properties.
    • Allowed OData query options: Select.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Read


    • args: {
          entryId: number;
          repositoryId: string;
          select?: null | string;
      • entryId: number

        The requested entry ID.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalselect?: null | string

        (optional) Limits the properties returned in the result.

    Returns Promise<Entry>

    A single entry.

    • Returns a single entry object using the entry path.
    • Optional query parameter: fallbackToClosestAncestor. Use the fallbackToClosestAncestor query parameter to return the closest existing ancestor if the initial entry path is not found.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Read


    • args: {
          fallbackToClosestAncestor?: boolean;
          fullPath: string;
          repositoryId: string;
      • OptionalfallbackToClosestAncestor?: boolean

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate whether or not the closest ancestor in the path should be returned if the initial entry path is not found. The default value is false.

      • fullPath: string

        The requested entry path.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

    Returns Promise<GetEntryByPathResponse>

    The found entry or ancestor entry.

    • Import a new document in the specified folder, and optionally assigns metadata.
    • The import may fail if the file is greater than 100 MB or time out if it takes longer than 60 seconds. These values are subject to change at anytime. Use the long operation asynchronous import if you run into these restrictions.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          culture?: null | string;
          entryId: number;
          file?: FileParameter;
          repositoryId: string;
          request?: ImportEntryRequest;
      • Optionalculture?: null | string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used. The value should be a standard language tag. This may be used when setting field values with tokens.

      • entryId: number

        The entry ID of the folder that the document will be created in.

      • Optionalfile?: FileParameter


      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalrequest?: ImportEntryRequest


    Returns Promise<Entry>

    The created entry.

    • Returns dynamic field logic values with the current values of the fields in the template.
    • Provide an entry ID and field values in the JSON body to get dynamic field logic values.
    • Independent and non-dynamic fields in the request body will be ignored, and only related dynamic field logic values for the assigned template will be returned.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Read


    Returns Promise<{
        [key: string]: string[];

    A collection of dynamic field values.

    • Returns the children entries of a folder in the repository.
    • Provide an entry ID (must be a folder), and get a paged listing of entries in that folder. Used as a way of navigating through the repository.
    • Entries returned in the listing are not automatically converted to their subtype (Folder, Shortcut, Document), so clients who want model-specific information should request it via the GET entry by ID route.
    • Optional query parameters: groupByEntryType (bool). This query parameter decides if results are returned in groups based on their entry type.
    • Optionally returns field values for the entries in the folder. Each field name needs to be specified in the request. Maximum limit of 10 field names. If field values are requested, only the first value is returned if it is a multi value field. The remaining field values can be retrieved via the GET fields route. Null or Empty field values should not be used to determine if a field is assigned to the entry.
    • Default page size: 150. Allowed OData query options: Select | Count | OrderBy | Skip | Top | SkipToken | Prefer. OData $OrderBy syntax should follow: "PropertyName direction,PropertyName2 direction". Sort order can be either value "asc" or "desc".
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Read


    • args: {
          count?: boolean;
          culture?: null | string;
          entryId: number;
          fields?: null | string[];
          formatFieldValues?: boolean;
          groupByEntryType?: boolean;
          orderby?: null | string;
          prefer?: null | string;
          repositoryId: string;
          select?: null | string;
          skip?: number;
          top?: number;
      • Optionalcount?: boolean

        (optional) Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.

      • Optionalculture?: null | string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used for formatting. The value should be a standard language tag. The formatFieldValues query parameter must be set to true, otherwise culture will not be used for formatting.

      • entryId: number

        The folder ID.

      • Optionalfields?: null | string[]

        (optional) Optional array of field names. Field values corresponding to the given field names will be returned for each entry.

      • OptionalformatFieldValues?: boolean

        (optional) Indicates if field values should be formatted. Only applicable if Fields are specified. The default value is false.

      • OptionalgroupByEntryType?: boolean

        (optional) Indicates if the result should be grouped by entry type or not. The default value is false.

      • Optionalorderby?: null | string

        (optional) Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5.

      • Optionalprefer?: null | string

        (optional) An optional OData header. Can be used to set the maximum page size using odata.maxpagesize.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalselect?: null | string

        (optional) Limits the properties returned in the result.

      • Optionalskip?: number

        (optional) Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.

      • Optionaltop?: number

        (optional) Limits the number of items returned from a collection.

    Returns Promise<EntryCollectionResponse>

    A collection of children entries of a folder.

  • It will continue to make the same call to get a list of entry listings of a fixed size (i.e. maxpagesize) until it reaches the last page (i.e. when next link is null/undefined) or whenever the callback function returns false.


    • args: {
          callback: ((response: EntryCollectionResponse) => Promise<boolean>);
          count?: boolean;
          culture?: string;
          entryId: number;
          fields?: string[];
          formatFieldValues?: boolean;
          groupByEntryType?: boolean;
          maxPageSize?: number;
          orderby?: string;
          prefer?: string;
          repositoryId: string;
          select?: string;
          skip?: number;
          top?: number;
      • callback: ((response: EntryCollectionResponse) => Promise<boolean>)

        async callback function that will accept the current page results and return a boolean value to either continue or stop paging.

      • Optionalcount?: boolean

        (optional) Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.

      • Optionalculture?: string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used for formatting. The value should be a standard language tag. The formatFieldValues query parameter must be set to true, otherwise culture will not be used for formatting.

      • entryId: number

        The requested entry ID.

      • Optionalfields?: string[]

        (optional) Optional array of field names. Field values corresponding to the given field names will be returned for each entry.

      • OptionalformatFieldValues?: boolean

        (optional) Boolean for if field values should be formatted. Only applicable if Fields are specified.

      • OptionalgroupByEntryType?: boolean

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate if the result should be grouped by entry type or not.

      • OptionalmaxPageSize?: number

        (optional) the maximum page size or number of entry listings allowed per API response schema.

      • Optionalorderby?: string

        (optional) Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5.

      • Optionalprefer?: string

        (optional) An optional OData header. Can be used to set the maximum page size using odata.maxpagesize.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalselect?: string

        (optional) Limits the properties returned in the result.

      • Optionalskip?: number

        (optional) Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.

      • Optionaltop?: number

        (optional) Limits the number of items returned from a collection.

    Returns Promise<void>

    • Returns the fields assigned to an entry.
    • Provide an entry ID, and get a paged listing of all fields assigned to that entry.
    • Default page size: 100. Allowed OData query options: Select | Count | OrderBy | Skip | Top | SkipToken | Prefer.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Read


    • args: {
          count?: boolean;
          culture?: null | string;
          entryId: number;
          formatFieldValues?: boolean;
          orderby?: null | string;
          prefer?: null | string;
          repositoryId: string;
          select?: null | string;
          skip?: number;
          top?: number;
      • Optionalcount?: boolean

        (optional) Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.

      • Optionalculture?: null | string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used for formatting. The value should be a standard language tag. The formatFieldValues query parameter must be set to true, otherwise culture will not be used for formatting.

      • entryId: number

        The requested entry ID.

      • OptionalformatFieldValues?: boolean

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate if the field values should be formatted. The default value is false.

      • Optionalorderby?: null | string

        (optional) Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5.

      • Optionalprefer?: null | string

        (optional) An optional OData header. Can be used to set the maximum page size using odata.maxpagesize.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalselect?: null | string

        (optional) Limits the properties returned in the result.

      • Optionalskip?: number

        (optional) Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.

      • Optionaltop?: number

        (optional) Limits the number of items returned from a collection.

    Returns Promise<FieldCollectionResponse>

    A collection of fields assigned to the entry.

  • It will continue to make the same call to get a list of field values of a fixed size (i.e. maxpagesize) until it reaches the last page (i.e. when next link is null/undefined) or whenever the callback function returns false.


    • args: {
          callback: ((response: FieldCollectionResponse) => Promise<boolean>);
          count?: boolean;
          culture?: string;
          entryId: number;
          formatFieldValues?: boolean;
          maxPageSize?: number;
          orderby?: string;
          prefer?: string;
          repositoryId: string;
          select?: string;
          skip?: number;
          top?: number;
      • callback: ((response: FieldCollectionResponse) => Promise<boolean>)

        async callback function that will accept the current page results and return a boolean value to either continue or stop paging.

      • Optionalcount?: boolean

        (optional) Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.

      • Optionalculture?: string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used for formatting. The value should be a standard language tag. The formatFieldValues query parameter must be set to true, otherwise culture will not be used for formatting.

      • entryId: number

        The requested entry ID.

      • OptionalformatFieldValues?: boolean

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate if the field values should be formatted. The default value is false.

      • OptionalmaxPageSize?: number

        (optional) the maximum page size or number of field values allowed per API response schema.

      • Optionalorderby?: string

        (optional) Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5.

      • Optionalprefer?: string

        (optional) An optional OData header. Can be used to set the maximum page size using odata.maxpagesize.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalselect?: string

        (optional) Limits the properties returned in the result.

      • Optionalskip?: number

        (optional) Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.

      • Optionaltop?: number

        (optional) Limits the number of items returned from a collection.

    Returns Promise<void>

    • Returns the links assigned to an entry.
    • Provide an entry ID, and get a paged listing of links assigned to that entry.
    • Default page size: 100. Allowed OData query options: Select | Count | OrderBy | Skip | Top | SkipToken | Prefer.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Read


    • args: {
          count?: boolean;
          entryId: number;
          orderby?: null | string;
          prefer?: null | string;
          repositoryId: string;
          select?: null | string;
          skip?: number;
          top?: number;
      • Optionalcount?: boolean

        (optional) Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.

      • entryId: number

        The requested entry ID.

      • Optionalorderby?: null | string

        (optional) Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5.

      • Optionalprefer?: null | string

        (optional) An optional odata header. Can be used to set the maximum page size using odata.maxpagesize.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalselect?: null | string

        (optional) Limits the properties returned in the result.

      • Optionalskip?: number

        (optional) Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.

      • Optionaltop?: number

        (optional) Limits the number of items returned from a collection.

    Returns Promise<LinkCollectionResponse>

    A collection of links assigned to the entry.

  • It will continue to make the same call to get a list of link values from entry of a fixed size (i.e. maxpagesize) until it reaches the last page (i.e. when next link is null/undefined) or whenever the callback function returns false.


    • args: {
          callback: ((response: LinkCollectionResponse) => Promise<boolean>);
          count?: boolean;
          entryId: number;
          maxPageSize?: number;
          orderby?: string;
          prefer?: string;
          repositoryId: string;
          select?: string;
          skip?: number;
          top?: number;
      • callback: ((response: LinkCollectionResponse) => Promise<boolean>)

        async callback function that will accept the current page results and return a boolean value to either continue or stop paging.

      • Optionalcount?: boolean

        (optional) Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.

      • entryId: number

        The requested entry ID.

      • OptionalmaxPageSize?: number

        (optional) the maximum page size or number of link values from entry allowed per API response schema.

      • Optionalorderby?: string

        (optional) Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5.

      • Optionalprefer?: string

        (optional) An optional OData header. Can be used to set the maximum page size using odata.maxpagesize.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalselect?: string

        (optional) Limits the properties returned in the result.

      • Optionalskip?: number

        (optional) Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.

      • Optionaltop?: number

        (optional) Limits the number of items returned from a collection.

    Returns Promise<void>

    • Returns the tags assigned to an entry.
    • Provide an entry ID, and get a paged listing of tags assigned to that entry.
    • Default page size: 100. Allowed OData query options: Select | Count | OrderBy | Skip | Top | SkipToken | Prefer.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Read


    • args: {
          count?: boolean;
          entryId: number;
          orderby?: null | string;
          prefer?: null | string;
          repositoryId: string;
          select?: null | string;
          skip?: number;
          top?: number;
      • Optionalcount?: boolean

        (optional) Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.

      • entryId: number

        The requested entry ID.

      • Optionalorderby?: null | string

        (optional) Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5.

      • Optionalprefer?: null | string

        (optional) An optional OData header. Can be used to set the maximum page size using odata.maxpagesize.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalselect?: null | string

        (optional) Limits the properties returned in the result.

      • Optionalskip?: number

        (optional) Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.

      • Optionaltop?: number

        (optional) Limits the number of items returned from a collection.

    Returns Promise<TagCollectionResponse>

    A collection of tags assigned to the entry.

  • It will continue to make the same call to get a list of tags assigned to entry of a fixed size (i.e. maxpagesize) until it reaches the last page (i.e. when next link is null/undefined) or whenever the callback function returns false.


    • args: {
          callback: ((response: TagDefinitionCollectionResponse) => Promise<boolean>);
          count?: boolean;
          entryId: number;
          maxPageSize?: number;
          orderby?: string;
          prefer?: string;
          repositoryId: string;
          select?: string;
          skip?: number;
          top?: number;
      • callback: ((response: TagDefinitionCollectionResponse) => Promise<boolean>)

        async callback function that will accept the current page results and return a boolean value to either continue or stop paging.

      • Optionalcount?: boolean

        (optional) Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.

      • entryId: number

        The requested entry ID.

      • OptionalmaxPageSize?: number

        (optional) the maximum page size or number of tags assigned to entry allowed per API response schema.

      • Optionalorderby?: string

        (optional) Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5.

      • Optionalprefer?: string

        (optional) An optional OData header. Can be used to set the maximum page size using odata.maxpagesize.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalselect?: string

        (optional) Limits the properties returned in the result.

      • Optionalskip?: number

        (optional) Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.

      • Optionaltop?: number

        (optional) Limits the number of items returned from a collection.

    Returns Promise<void>

    • Remove the currently assigned template from the specified entry.
    • Provide an entry ID to clear template value on.
    • If the entry does not have a template assigned, no change will be made.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          entryId: number;
          repositoryId: string;
      • entryId: number

        The ID of the entry that will have its template removed.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

    Returns Promise<Entry>

    The updated entry.

    • Update the field values assigned to an entry.
    • Provide the new field values to assign to the entry, and remove/reset all previously assigned field values.
    • This is an overwrite action. The request body must include all desired field values, including any existing field values that should remain assigned to the entry. Field values that are not included in the request will be deleted from the entry. If the field value that is not included is part of a template, it will still be assigned (as required by the template), but its value will be reset.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          culture?: null | string;
          entryId: number;
          repositoryId: string;
          request: SetFieldsRequest;
      • Optionalculture?: null | string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used. The value should be a standard language tag. This may be used when setting field values with tokens.

      • entryId: number

        The entry ID of the entry that will have its fields updated.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • request: SetFieldsRequest

        The request body.

    Returns Promise<FieldCollectionResponse>

    A collection of fields assigned to the entry.

    • Assign links to an entry.
    • Provide an entry ID and a list of links to assign to that entry.
    • This is an overwrite action. The request must include all links to assign to the entry, including existing links that should remain assigned to the entry.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          entryId: number;
          repositoryId: string;
          request: SetLinksRequest;
      • entryId: number

        The requested entry ID.

      • repositoryId: string

        The request repository ID.

      • request: SetLinksRequest

        The request body.

    Returns Promise<LinkCollectionResponse>

    A collection of links assigned to the entry.

    • Assign tags to an entry.
    • Provide an entry ID and a list of tags to assign to that entry.
    • This is an overwrite action. The request must include all tags to assign to the entry, including existing tags that should remain assigned to the entry.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          entryId: number;
          repositoryId: string;
          request: SetTagsRequest;
      • entryId: number

        The requested entry ID.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • request: SetTagsRequest

        The tags to add.

    Returns Promise<TagCollectionResponse>

    A collection of tags assigned to the entry.

    • Assign a template to an entry.
    • Provide an entry ID, template name, and a list of template fields to assign to that entry.
    • Only template values will be modified. Any existing independent fields on the entry will not be modified, nor will they be added if included in the request. The only modification to fields will only occur on templated fields. If the previously assigned template includes common template fields as the newly assigned template, the common field values will not be modified.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          culture?: null | string;
          entryId: number;
          repositoryId: string;
          request: SetTemplateRequest;
      • Optionalculture?: null | string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used. The value should be a standard language tag. This may be used when setting field values with tokens.

      • entryId: number

        The ID of entry that will have its template updated.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • request: SetTemplateRequest

        The template and template fields that will be assigned to the entry.

    Returns Promise<Entry>

    The updated entry.

    • Copy a new child entry in the designated folder async, and potentially return a taskId.
    • Provide the parent folder ID, and copy an entry as a child of the designated folder.
    • The status of the operation can be checked via the Tasks route.
    • Token substitution in the name of the copied entry is not supported.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          culture?: null | string;
          entryId: number;
          repositoryId: string;
          request: StartCopyEntryRequest;
      • Optionalculture?: null | string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used. The value should be a standard language tag.

      • entryId: number

        The folder ID that the entry will be created in.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • request: StartCopyEntryRequest

        The request body.

    Returns Promise<StartTaskResponse>

    A long operation task id.

    • Begins a task to delete an entry, and returns a taskId.
    • Provide an entry ID, and queue a delete task to remove it from the repository (includes nested objects if the entry is a Folder type). The entry will not be deleted immediately.
    • Optionally include an audit reason ID and comment in the JSON body. This route returns a taskId, and will run as an asynchronous operation. Check the progress via the Tasks route.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          entryId: number;
          repositoryId: string;
          request?: StartDeleteEntryRequest;
      • entryId: number

        The requested entry ID.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalrequest?: StartDeleteEntryRequest

        (optional) The submitted audit reason.

    Returns Promise<StartTaskResponse>

    A long operation task id.

    • Starts an asynchronous export operation to export an entry.
    • If successful, it returns a taskId which can be used to check the status of the export operation or download the export result, otherwise, it returns an error.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Read


    • args: {
          entryId: number;
          pageRange?: null | string;
          repositoryId: string;
          request: StartExportEntryRequest;
      • entryId: number

        The ID of entry to export.

      • OptionalpageRange?: null | string

        (optional) A comma-separated range of pages to include. Ex: 1,3,4 or 1-3,5-7,9. This value is ignored when part=Edoc.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • request: StartExportEntryRequest

        The request body.

    Returns Promise<StartTaskResponse>

    A long operation task id.

    • Imports a new file in the specified folder. The file should be already written (in chunks) to the upload URLs obtained by calling the Upload api. The maximum file size allowed is 64 GB.
    • This route does not support partial success.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          culture?: null | string;
          entryId: number;
          repositoryId: string;
          request?: StartImportUploadedPartsRequest;
      • Optionalculture?: null | string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used. The value should be a standard language tag. This may be used when setting field values with tokens.

      • entryId: number

        The entry ID of the folder that the document will be created in.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalrequest?: StartImportUploadedPartsRequest

        (optional) The request body.

    Returns Promise<StartTaskResponse>

    A long operation task id.

    • Update an entry. (Move and/or Rename)
    • Move an entry to a new folder by setting the ParentId in the request body.
    • Rename an entry by setting the Name in the request body.
    • Required OAuth scope: repository.Write


    • args: {
          culture?: null | string;
          entryId: number;
          repositoryId: string;
          request: UpdateEntryRequest;
      • Optionalculture?: null | string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used. The value should be a standard language tag.

      • entryId: number

        The requested entry ID.

      • repositoryId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • request: UpdateEntryRequest

        The request containing the folder ID that the entry will be moved to and the new name the entry will be renamed to.

    Returns Promise<Entry>

    The updated entry.