


description?: string

The descriptive text for the represented entry link.

linkId?: number

The ID of the entry link.

linkProperties?: {
    [key: string]: string;

The properties for the entry link.

linkTypeDescription?: string

The description of the link type.

linkTypeId?: number

The ID of the entry link type.

sourceFullPath?: string

The full path to the source entry of the represented link.

sourceId?: number

The ID of the source entry of the represented link.

sourceLabel?: string

The label for the source entry in the link type.

sourceLink?: string

The navigation link to the source entry.

targetFullPath?: string

The full path to the target entry of the represented link.

targetId?: number

The ID of the target entry of the represented link.

targetLabel?: string

The label for the target entry in the link type.

targetLink?: string

The navigation link to the target entry.
