


jsonParseReviver: undefined | ((key: string, value: any) => any) = undefined


    • Returns a single field definition associated with the specified ID.
    • Useful when a route provides a minimal amount of details and more information about the specific field definition is needed.
    • Allowed OData query options: Select


    • args: {
          culture?: null | string;
          fieldDefinitionId: number;
          repoId: string;
          select?: null | string;
      • Optionalculture?: null | string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used for formatting. The value should be a standard language tag.

      • fieldDefinitionId: number

        The requested field definition ID.

      • repoId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalselect?: null | string

        (optional) Limits the properties returned in the result.

    Returns Promise<WFieldInfo>

    Get field definition successfully.

    • Returns a paged listing of field definitions available in the specified repository.
    • Useful when trying to find a list of all field definitions available, rather than only those assigned to a specific entry/template.
    • Default page size: 100. Allowed OData query options: Select | Count | OrderBy | Skip | Top | SkipToken | Prefer.


    • args: {
          count?: boolean;
          culture?: null | string;
          orderby?: null | string;
          prefer?: null | string;
          repoId: string;
          select?: null | string;
          skip?: number;
          top?: number;
      • Optionalcount?: boolean

        (optional) Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.

      • Optionalculture?: null | string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used for formatting. The value should be a standard language tag.

      • Optionalorderby?: null | string

        (optional) Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5.

      • Optionalprefer?: null | string

        (optional) An optional OData header. Can be used to set the maximum page size using odata.maxpagesize.

      • repoId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalselect?: null | string

        (optional) Limits the properties returned in the result.

      • Optionalskip?: number

        (optional) Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.

      • Optionaltop?: number

        (optional) Limits the number of items returned from a collection.

    Returns Promise<ODataValueContextOfIListOfWFieldInfo>

    Get field definitions successfully.

  • It will continue to make the same call to get a list of field definitions of a fixed size (i.e. maxpagesize) until it reaches the last page (i.e. when next link is null/undefined) or whenever the callback function returns false.


    • args: {
          callback: ((response: ODataValueContextOfIListOfWFieldInfo) => Promise<boolean>);
          count?: boolean;
          culture?: string;
          maxPageSize?: number;
          orderby?: string;
          prefer?: string;
          repoId: string;
          select?: string;
          skip?: number;
          top?: number;
      • callback: ((response: ODataValueContextOfIListOfWFieldInfo) => Promise<boolean>)

        async callback function that will accept the current page results and return a boolean value to either continue or stop paging.

      • Optionalcount?: boolean

        (optional) Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.

      • Optionalculture?: string

        (optional) An optional query parameter used to indicate the locale that should be used for formatting. The value should be a standard language tag. The formatFields query parameter must be set to true, otherwise culture will not be used for formatting.

      • OptionalmaxPageSize?: number

        (optional) the maximum page size or number of field definitions allowed per API response schema.

      • Optionalorderby?: string

        (optional) Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5.

      • Optionalprefer?: string

        (optional) An optional OData header. Can be used to set the maximum page size using odata.maxpagesize.

      • repoId: string

        The requested repository ID.

      • Optionalselect?: string

        (optional) Limits the properties returned in the result.

      • Optionalskip?: number

        (optional) Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.

      • Optionaltop?: number

        (optional) Limits the number of items returned from a collection.

    Returns Promise<void>