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AccessKey - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.model
The access key exported from the Laserfiche Developer Console.
AccessKey() - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.AccessKey
afterSend(Response) - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HttpRequestHandler
Invoked after an HTTP response is received and will determine if a new access token should be retrieved.
afterSend(Response) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.OAuthClientCredentialsHandler
afterSend(Response) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.UsernamePasswordHandler
ApiException - Exception in com.laserfiche.api.client.model
An exception thrown from error API responses.
ApiException(String, int, Map<String, String>, ProblemDetails, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ApiException
append(String, String) - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.Headers
Append the value of the header.
append(String, String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeadersImpl


BaseTokenClient - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.tokenclients
BaseTokenClient() - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.tokenclients.BaseTokenClient
beforeSend(Request) - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HttpRequestHandler
Invoked before an HTTP request is sent.
beforeSend(Request) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.OAuthClientCredentialsHandler
beforeSend(Request) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.UsernamePasswordHandler
BeforeSendResult - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Contains information about the HTTP request before it is sent.
BeforeSendResult() - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.BeforeSendResult


close() - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.apiserver.TokenClient
An implementation of AutoCloseable that does not throw any checked exceptions.
close() - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HttpRequestHandler
An implementation of AutoCloseable that does not throw any checked exceptions.
close() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.OAuthClientCredentialsHandler
close() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.UsernamePasswordHandler
close() - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.oauth.TokenClient
An implementation of AutoCloseable that does not throw any checked exceptions.
close() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.tokenclients.BaseTokenClient
com.laserfiche.api.client.apiserver - package com.laserfiche.api.client.apiserver
Provides classes to get access tokens for Laserfiche Self-Hosted.
com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization - package com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization
Provides internal classes for deserialization.
com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers - package com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Provides classes to modify HTTP requests and handle HTTP responses.
com.laserfiche.api.client.model - package com.laserfiche.api.client.model
Provides model classes used by other packages.
com.laserfiche.api.client.oauth - package com.laserfiche.api.client.oauth
Provides classes to get access tokens for Laserfiche Cloud.
com.laserfiche.api.client.tokenclients - package com.laserfiche.api.client.tokenclients
Provides classes common to all token clients.
create(int, Map<String, String>, ProblemDetails, Throwable) - Static method in exception com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ApiException
Create an ApiException.
create(int, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Create a minimal ProblemDetails using HTTP response information.
createAccessToken(String, CreateConnectionRequest) - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.apiserver.TokenClient
Gets a Laserfiche Self-Hosted access token.
createAccessToken(String, CreateConnectionRequest) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.apiserver.TokenClientImpl
createBearer(String, AccessKey) - Static method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.tokenclients.TokenClientUtils
Given a service principal key and an access key, return a string representation of the Bearer header.
CreateConnectionRequest - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.model
The request used with the "password" grant type to get a Laserfiche Self-Hosted access token.
CreateConnectionRequest() - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.CreateConnectionRequest
createFromBase64EncodedAccessKey(String) - Static method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.AccessKey
Creates an AccessKey given a base-64 encoded access key.


decodeBase64(String) - Static method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.tokenclients.TokenClientUtils
Convert a base64 encoded string to plain text
delete(String) - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.Headers
Remove the header under this name.
delete(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeadersImpl
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization.JwkDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization.OffsetDateTimeDeserializer
deserialize(ObjectMapper, String) - Static method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization.ProblemDetailsDeserializer
Deserializes a json string into a ProblemDetails.


entries() - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.Headers
Returns a collection of header key value pairs.
entries() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeadersImpl


get(String) - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.Headers
Returns the header value.
get(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeadersImpl
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.GetAccessTokenResponse
Returns the Laserfiche Cloud OAuth 2.0 access token.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.SessionKeyInfo
Returns the access token that can be used to authenticate with the repository apis.
getAccessTokenFromServicePrincipal(String, AccessKey) - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.oauth.TokenClient
Gets an OAuth access token given a Laserfiche Cloud service principal key and an OAuth service application access key.
getAccessTokenFromServicePrincipal(String, AccessKey, String) - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.oauth.TokenClient
Gets an OAuth access token given a Laserfiche Cloud service principal key and an OAuth service application access key.
getAccessTokenFromServicePrincipal(String, AccessKey) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.oauth.TokenClientImpl
getAccessTokenFromServicePrincipal(String, AccessKey, String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.oauth.TokenClientImpl
GetAccessTokenResponse - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.model
The response from the Laserfiche Cloud OAuth 2.0 token endpoint.
GetAccessTokenResponse() - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.GetAccessTokenResponse
getClientId() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.AccessKey
Returns the app's client id.
getCustomerId() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.AccessKey
Returns the Laserfiche customer id the app is registered in.
getDetail() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Returns a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
getDomain() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.AccessKey
Returns the Laserfiche domain the app belongs to, e.g.
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Returns the error code.
getErrorSource() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Returns the error source.
getExpireIn() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.SessionKeyInfo
Returns the lifetime in seconds of the access token.
getExpiresIn() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.GetAccessTokenResponse
Returns the lifetime in seconds of the access token.
getExtensions() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Returns the extension members.
getGrantType() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.CreateConnectionRequest
Returns the grant type.
getHeaders() - Method in exception com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ApiException
Returns the API response headers.
getHeadersMap(HttpResponse) - Static method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.tokenclients.TokenClientUtils
getInstance() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Returns a URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
getJwk() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.AccessKey
Returns the app's json web key.
getOAuthApiBaseUri(String) - Static method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.tokenclients.TokenClientUtils
Given a Laserfiche domain, such as, returns the base URL for OAuth.
getOperationId() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Returns the operation id.
getPassword() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.CreateConnectionRequest
Returns the password.
getProblemDetails() - Method in exception com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ApiException
Returns the API problem details.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.GetAccessTokenResponse
Returns an optional refresh token used to get a new Laserfiche Cloud OAuth 2.0 access token.
getRegionalDomain() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.BeforeSendResult
Returns the Laserfiche Cloud regional domain, e.g.
getScope() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.GetAccessTokenResponse
Returns the scope configured on the access token.
getStatus() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Returns the HTTP status code.
getStatusCode() - Method in exception com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ApiException
Returns the API status code.
getTitle() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Returns a short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
getTokenType() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.GetAccessTokenResponse
Returns the token type that provides how to utilize the access token.
getTokenType() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.SessionKeyInfo
Returns the token type that provides how to utilize the access token.
getTraceId() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Returns the trace id.
getType() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Returns the problem type.
getUsername() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.CreateConnectionRequest
Returns the username.


has(String) - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.Headers
Check if the header is set.
has(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeadersImpl
header() - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeaderKeyValue
Returns the value of the HTTP header.
header() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeaderKeyValueImpl
HeaderKeyValue - Interface in com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Represents an HTTP header.
HeaderKeyValueImpl - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Represents an HTTP header.
HeaderKeyValueImpl(String, String) - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeaderKeyValueImpl
Creates a new HTTP Header.
headerName() - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeaderKeyValue
Returns the name of the HTTP header.
headerName() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeaderKeyValueImpl
Headers - Interface in com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Represents a collection of HTTP headers.
headers() - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.Request
Headers associated with this request.
headers() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.RequestImpl
HeadersImpl - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Represents a collection of HTTP headers.
HeadersImpl() - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeadersImpl
Creates a new collection of HTTP headers.
httpClient - Variable in class com.laserfiche.api.client.tokenclients.BaseTokenClient
HttpRequestHandler - Interface in com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Provides a way to modify an HTTP request and to handle the response.


JwkDeserializer - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization
JwkDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization.JwkDeserializer
JwkDeserializer(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization.JwkDeserializer


keys() - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.Headers
Return all header names (that are set).
keys() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeadersImpl


OAuthClientCredentialsHandler - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Laserfiche Cloud OAuth client credentials HTTP handler.
OAuthClientCredentialsHandler(String, AccessKey) - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.OAuthClientCredentialsHandler
Creates a new Laserfiche Cloud OAuth client credentials HTTP handler.
OAuthClientCredentialsHandler(String, AccessKey, String) - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.OAuthClientCredentialsHandler
Creates a new Laserfiche Cloud OAuth client credentials HTTP handler.
objectMapper - Variable in class com.laserfiche.api.client.tokenclients.BaseTokenClient
OffsetDateTimeDeserializer - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization
OffsetDateTimeDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization.OffsetDateTimeDeserializer
OffsetDateTimeDeserializer(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization.OffsetDateTimeDeserializer


ProblemDetails - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.model
A machine-readable format for specifying errors in HTTP API responses based on rfc 7807.
ProblemDetails() - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
ProblemDetailsDeserializer - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization
Helper class containing for deserializing ProblemDetails.


readValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization.TokenClientObjectMapper
readValue(String, GenericType<T>) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization.TokenClientObjectMapper
Request - Interface in com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Represents an HTTP request.
request() - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.Response
The corresponding request object.
request() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.ResponseImpl
RequestImpl - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Represents an HTTP request.
RequestImpl() - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.RequestImpl
Creates a new HTTP Request.
Response - Interface in com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Represents an HTTP response.
ResponseImpl - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Represents an HTTP response.
ResponseImpl(short) - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.ResponseImpl
Creates a new HTTP response.
ResponseImpl(short, Request) - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.ResponseImpl
Creates a new HTTP response.


SessionKeyInfo - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.model
The response from the Laserfiche Self-Hosted token endpoint.
SessionKeyInfo() - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.SessionKeyInfo
set(String, String) - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.Headers
Set the header.
set(String, String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeadersImpl
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.GetAccessTokenResponse
Sets the Laserfiche Cloud OAuth 2.0 access token.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.SessionKeyInfo
Sets the access token that can be used to authenticate with the repository apis.
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.AccessKey
Sets the app's client id.
setCustomerId(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.AccessKey
Sets the Laserfiche customer id the app is registered in.
setDetail(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Sets a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
setDomain(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.AccessKey
Sets the Laserfiche domain the app belongs to, e.g.
setErrorCode(Integer) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Sets the error code.
setErrorSource(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Sets the error source.
setExpireIn(int) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.SessionKeyInfo
Sets the lifetime in seconds of the access token.
setExpiresIn(Integer) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.GetAccessTokenResponse
Sets the lifetime in seconds of the access token.
setExtensions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Sets the extension members.
setGrantType(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.CreateConnectionRequest
Sets the grant type
setHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in exception com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ApiException
Sets the API response headers.
setInstance(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Sets a URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
setJwk(JWK) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.AccessKey
Sets the app's json web key.
setOperationId(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Sets the operation id.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.CreateConnectionRequest
Sets the password.
setProblemDetails(ProblemDetails) - Method in exception com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ApiException
Sets the API problem details.
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.GetAccessTokenResponse
Sets a refresh token used to get a new Laserfiche Cloud OAuth 2.0 access token.
setRegionalDomain(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.BeforeSendResult
Sets the Laserfiche Cloud regional domain, e.g.
setScope(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.GetAccessTokenResponse
Sets the scope configured on the access token.
setStatus(Integer) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Sets the HTTP status code.
setStatusCode(int) - Method in exception com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ApiException
Sets the API status code.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Sets a short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
setTokenType(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.GetAccessTokenResponse
Sets the token type that provides how to utilize the access token.
setTokenType(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.SessionKeyInfo
Sets the token type that provides how to utilize the access token.
setTraceId(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Sets the trace id.
setType(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.ProblemDetails
Sets the problem type.
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.model.CreateConnectionRequest
Sets the username.
status() - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.Response
Status code.
status() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.ResponseImpl


TokenClient - Interface in com.laserfiche.api.client.apiserver
The Laserfiche Self-Hosted token route API client.
TokenClient - Interface in com.laserfiche.api.client.oauth
The Laserfiche Cloud token route API client.
TokenClientImpl - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.apiserver
The Laserfiche Self-Hosted token route API client.
TokenClientImpl(String) - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.apiserver.TokenClientImpl
Creates a new Laserfiche Self-Hosted token route API client.
TokenClientImpl - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.oauth
The Laserfiche Cloud token route API client.
TokenClientImpl(String) - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.oauth.TokenClientImpl
Creates a new Laserfiche Cloud token route API client.
TokenClientObjectMapper - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization
TokenClientObjectMapper() - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization.TokenClientObjectMapper
TokenClientUtils - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.tokenclients
Helper class containing utility functions for OAuth.


url() - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.Request
Full URL of the request.
url() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.RequestImpl
UsernamePasswordHandler - Class in com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers
Username password HTTP handler for Laserfiche Self-Hosted API Server.
UsernamePasswordHandler(String, String, String, String, TokenClient) - Constructor for class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.UsernamePasswordHandler
Creates a username and password authorization handler for the Laserfiche Self-Hosted API server


values() - Method in interface com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.Headers
Returns a collection of header values.
values() - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.httphandlers.HeadersImpl


writeValue(Object) - Method in class com.laserfiche.api.client.deserialization.TokenClientObjectMapper
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